유튜버는 어떻게 사업자등록을 하나요?

계속되는 취업난과 정년보장이 되는 “평생직장”이 사라자기 시작하면서 청년들이 하나둘 창업에 도전하고 있는데요. 특히 요즘은 미디어 산업의 발전에 따른 1인 크리에이터가 신종업종으로 뜨거운 인기를 자랑하고 있습니다.

그중에서도 특히 유튜버는 한국직업능력연구원에서 조사한 초등학생 대상 장래희망 순위에서 무려 3위나 차지했을 정도로 젊은 세대들 사이에서 주목받는 직업인데요. 자본이 많이 들지 않아 진입장벽이 낮고 뛰어난 외모나 재능을 갖추고 오랜시간 준비해야하는 아이돌 가수, 배우 등과는 다르게 사람들의 이목을 끌수 있는 자신만의 매력을 갖추기만 하면 빠르게 성공할 수 있다는 점이 매력으로 꼽히는것 같습니다.

유튜버에 도전해보고 싶다는 생각이 있으신 분들은 [유튜버도 사업자 등록을 하고 세금을 내야하나? 라는 부분이 궁금하셨을 텐데요.

이런 신종업종들은 얼핏 보아선 별도의 사업자등록이 필요없는것 처럼 보이지만 반드시 사업자 등록을 하셔야 합니다. 그렇기 때문에 이번에 포스팅에서는 유튜브 창업자분들을 위해 신고와 납부등의 세무안내에 대하여 함께 알아보겠습니다.

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1. 게임 무기 선택:

Before you plunge headfirst into the world of gaming, it’s crucial to choose your weapon of choice. Are you Team Console or Team PC? Take a moment to assess your preferences and budget, ensuring that your gaming rig is primed and ready for action. Upgrade your hardware, update your software, and set the stage for an immersive gaming experience.

2. Mastering the Controller Commandments:

Every game comes with its own set of rules and controls. Familiarize yourself with the basic commands, get comfortable with your controller or keyboard, and understand the game mechanics. It’s like learning the ABCs before diving into the literary world – a foundation that will serve you well on your gaming odyssey.

3. Embracing the Noob Spirit:

Welcome, intrepid explorers of the digital frontier! Whether you’re a fledgling gamer or just looking to up your game, this beginner’s guide is your ticket to unlocking the secrets of the gaming universe. Strap in, grab your controller, and let’s embark on this epic journey together. Every game comes with its own set of rules and controls.u003cbru003eFamiliarize yourself with the basic commands, get comfortable with your controller or keyboard, and understand the game mechanics. It’s like learning the ABCs before diving into the literary world – a foundation that will serve you well on your gaming odyssey.

a. Seek Guidance from Mentors

Every game comes with its own set of rules

b. Watch Tutorial Videos:

Every game comes with its own set of rules and controls.

c. Embrace Failure as a Stepping Stone:

Every game comes with its own set

4. Mastering the Controller Commandments:

Welcome, intrepid explorers of the digital frontier! Whether you’re a fledgling gamer or just looking to up your game, this beginner’s guide is your ticket to unlocking the secrets of the gaming universe. Strap in, grab your controller, and let’s embark on this epic journey together. Every game comes with its own set of rules and controls.u003cbru003eFamiliarize yourself with the basic commands, get comfortable with your controller or keyboard, and understand the game mechanics. It’s like learning the ABCs before diving into the literary world – a foundation that will serve you well on your gaming odyssey.